Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin
Discover the charming tale of Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin. Set in colonial America, this story follows young Benjamin and his cat, Grimalkin, on heartwarming adventures. Blending art and friendship, it inspires creativity and imagination. Perfect for ages 8 and up, this book encourages appreciation for art and history, offering an engaging and educational experience.
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Delve into the charming tale of Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin. This delightful story captures the heartwarming adventures of young Benjamin, an aspiring artist, and his beloved cat, Grimalkin. Set in the vibrant world of colonial America, the narrative beautifully intertwines art and friendship. Designed to inspire creativity and imagination, Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin invites young readers to explore the joy of artistic expression and the bonds of companionship. Perfect for children who love stories filled with warmth and inspiration, this book encourages a deeper appreciation for art and history. Rich with character and charm, it's a must-read for those who cherish tales of creativity and friendship. Ignite your child’s passion for storytelling and art with this enchanting book. Ideal for young readers eager to explore historical tales, it offers an engaging and educational experience. Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Brand: Aladdin
Publisher Date: 03/11/2014
Author: Marguerite Henry
Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.1 x 0.6
UPC: 9781481403948
Ages: 8-12
Pages: 144