Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
A captivating tale of the duality of human nature, Robert Louis Stevenson's masterpiece delves into the noble and kind persona, as well as the repulsive evil lurking within a single person. This engrossing story explores the tragic consequences that arise from a doctor's insatiable thirst for knowledge. Prepare to be thrilled and chilled as you embark on a journey through the realms of horror and science fiction.
There is a person who has two different personalities. One is good and kind, while the other is completely evil. This book by Robert Louis Stevenson explores the idea that a person can have both good and evil inside them. It also tells the story of a doctor who wants to learn more, but his actions end up having terrible outcomes. This book is filled with suspense and chilling moments, just like the best horror and science fiction stories.
Grade: Grade 2-Grade 5
Brand: Sterling
Publisher Date: 03/28/2006
Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
Dimensions: 7.50 x 5.38
UPC: 9781402726675
Ages: 7-10
Pages: 160