A Christmas Carol
Ebenezer Scrooge, a lonely and bitter man, undergoes a transformative journey on a freezing Christmas Eve. When Marley's Ghost visits, Scrooge embarks on an eerie night-time adventure. Guided by the Christmas spirits, Scrooge revisits his past, present, and future. Will this experience help Scrooge discover love for Christmas and those around him?
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Ebenezer Scrooge is a grumpy and lonely man, who is not kind to others. He feels very unhappy and angry all the time. One extremely cold Christmas Eve, he is visited by the ghost of Marley. This spooky visit leads Scrooge on a strange and mysterious nighttime adventure. The spirits of Christmas are here to teach Scrooge the mistakes he has made with his unkind behavior. Through traveling to his past, present, and future, Scrooge will discover how to appreciate Christmas and the people in his life.
Grade: Grade 7-Grade 9
Brand: Puffin Books
Publisher Date: 09/16/2014
Author: Charles Dickens & Mark Peppe
Dimensions: 7.00 x 5.00
UPC: 9780147512895
Ages: 12-14
Pages: 144