Shining Company, The
The Shining Company by Rosemary Sutcliff is a historical adventure set in eighth century Britain, loosely based on real events. The storyline follows Prosper, the second son of Gerontius, who becomes Prince Gorthyn's shield-bearer after catching the prince's attention during a hunting party. Prosper and his bondservant, Conn, join Prince Gorthyn in training for battle against the Saxon forces, facing one of the greatest challenges of his life during the battle.
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The Shining Company by Rosemary Sutcliff is a thrilling historical adventure that takes place in Britain during the eighth century. The story follows Prosper, the second son of Gerontius, whose peaceful life is disrupted when Prince Gorthyn and his hunting party arrive. After Prosper makes a brave move during the hunt, the Prince takes notice and promises to make him his shield-bearer once he comes of age. Two years later, 300 princes are summoned to the king's fortress to prepare for battle against the Saxon forces. Prosper and his bondservant, Conn, join Prince Gorthyn to train for battle. When the army must face the Saxons, Prosper faces one of the greatest challenges of his life.
Subject: History
Grade: Grade 5-Grade 9
Brand: Sunburst
Publisher Date: 09/01/1992
Author: Rosemary Sutcliff
Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.3 x 0.8
UPC: 9780374466169
Ages: 10-14
Pages: 304