Math Mammoth Grade 2-A Worktext

Item# 9781942715047
Math Mammoth Light Blue Series is a consumable, full-color worktext that provides complete teaching instructions, explanatory diagrams, practice problems, and mental math challenges. The series emphasizes teaching number sense and... Read more

Math Mammoth Light Blue Series is a consumable, full-color worktext that provides complete teaching instructions, explanatory diagrams, practice problems, and mental math challenges. The series emphasizes teaching number sense and conceptual understanding, and each chapter focuses on teaching a specific concept through a block of step-by-step lessons. Parent teaching materials and third-party links to online games and worksheets are included. Pair Light Blue Series Worktext A with Worktext B for a full year of math instruction. Tests & Cumulative Review book and Answer Key are sold separately.

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The Math Mammoth Light Blue Series is a math curriculum designed by a knowledgeable math teacher and homeschool mom. This curriculum is perfect for students who enjoy working independently and for parents who have busy schedules. The curriculum includes full-color Worktexts that are consumable and provide teaching instructions, explanatory diagrams, practice problems, and mental math challenges.

One of the best features of the Math Mammoth curriculum is its mastery-based approach to teaching math. Instead of simply memorizing procedures, students are taught number sense and conceptual understanding. Each chapter focuses on a specific concept and teaches relevant skills step-by-step through a block of lessons before moving on. Parent teaching materials, such as concept overviews and third-party links to online games and worksheets, are included at the beginning of each chapter.

To get a full year of math instruction, pair Light Blue Series Worktext A with the sold-separately Worktext B. The Tests & Cumulative Review book and an Answer Key are also sold separately. This curriculum is 164 pages and perfect for 2nd-grade students.


Subject: Math

Grade: Grade 2

Brand: Math Mammoth

Publisher Date: 03/17/2015

Author: Miller

Dimensions: 11.00 x 8.50 x 0.35

UPC: 9781942715047

Ages: 7-8 years

Pages: 164

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