Barnacle Brown
Embark on a heartwarming seaside adventure with Barnacle Brown. This delightful children's book follows the curious Barnacle Brown as he explores life under the sea and learns valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery. With vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, young readers will be captivated by Barnacle Brown's journey and the colorful marine world he inhabits. Perfect for young readers and ocean enthusiasts, this book is an essential addition to any child's library, celebrating the wonders of the sea and the joy of exploration.
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Embark on a heartwarming seaside adventure with Barnacle Brown. This delightful children's book follows the curious Barnacle Brown as he explores life under the sea and learns valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery. With vibrant illustrations and engaging storytelling, young readers will be captivated by Barnacle Brown's journey and the colorful marine world he inhabits. Perfect for young readers and ocean enthusiasts, this book is an essential addition to any child's library, celebrating the wonders of the sea and the joy of exploration.
Brand: Pelican
Publisher Date: 06/19/2023
Author: Jordan Crisp
Dimensions: 11.00 x 8.50 x 0.31
UPC: 9781455627516
Pages: 24