The Black Cat
Discover the origins of American horror with Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat, a classic short story first published in 1843. This chilling tale follows a murderer tormented by guilt, with the narrator's dependence on alcohol possibly reflecting Poe's own battles with addiction. Part of Applewood's American Roots series, it offers a tangible connection to the works of iconic American writers like Poe.
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Edgar Allan Poe, the father of American horror fiction, first published his macabre short story The Black Cat in the August 19, 1843 edition of The Saturday Evening Post. This chilling tale of a murderer haunted by guilt is a classic of the genre. The narrator's confession that his actions and thoughts are driven by alcohol may reflect Poe's own struggles with alcoholism. This short work is part of Applewood's American Roots series, offering tactile mementos of American passions by some of the nation's most famous writers and thinkers.
Subject: Language Arts
Brand: Applewood Books
Publisher Date: 03/31/2016
Dimensions: 6.75 x 4.25 x 0.30
UPC: 9781429096232
Pages: 40