Music for Little Mozarts, Flash Cards for Book 2
Flash cards are a helpful tool for learning and reinforcing concepts. These flash cards are specifically designed for Book 2 of Music for Little Mozarts.
Each card measures 8.5 x 5.5 in size, making them easy to hold and study. The front of each card features a musical symbol or rhythm pattern for students to identify, providing a fun and interactive learning experience.
The cards are numbered to correlate with the lessons in Music for Little Mozarts, allowing students to easily follow along and track their progress. With six categories covered, these flash cards offer comprehensive practice in musical terms and symbols, as well as rhythm patterns.
Whether you're a music student or a teacher looking to enhance your lessons, these large flash cards are an invaluable resource. Start reinforcing your musical knowledge today!
Subject: Electives
Grade: Preschool-Grade 1
Brand: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.
Publisher Date: 06/01/1999
Author: Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk & E.L. Lancaster
UPC: 9780739010211