Surprise Island
Henry, Jessie, Violet, and their grandfather embark on an exciting summer adventure on their private island. However, their idyllic getaway takes an intriguing turn when they encounter a mysterious stranger with a hidden secret. Join the resourceful Boxcar Children as they unravel the enigma and uncover the true identity of this enigmatic individual!
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Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Henry are living with their grandfather when they find out they will spend the summer on their very own private island. However, there is a mysterious person on the island with a hidden secret. The Boxcar Children are determined to uncover the truth about this person and their secret identity!
Brand: Albert Whitman & Company
Publisher Date: 01/01/1989
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner & Mary Gehr(ILLUS)
Dimensions: 7.60 x 5.30 x 0.60
UPC: 9780807576748
Ages: 8-10
Pages: 178