The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn's life was transformed after an adventure with Tom Sawyer, despite the challenges he faced with his abusive father. However, when Huck's father returns and abducts him, he must flee alongside runaway slave Jim down the Mississippi River. Together, they face numerous obstacles, including floods, gunfights, bandits, and the law. Can Huck and Tom ultimately secure Jim's freedom from slavery? Discover this inspirational tale in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, part of the Puffin Classics collection (March 2015).
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Huckleberry Finn had a difficult life with his drunk father until he had an adventure with Tom Sawyer that changed everything. But when Huck's dad comes back and takes him away, he must escape down the Mississippi river with a runaway slave named Jim. They face problems at every turn, including floods, gunfights, armed bandits, and the law. Throughout it all, the friends stick together. Can Huck and Tom free Jim from slavery once and for all? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the twenty classic stories being re-released in Puffin Classics in March 2015, with an inspiring introduction by Darren Shan.
Grade: Grade 3-Grade 7
Brand: Puffin Books
Publisher Date: 03/27/2008
Author: Mark Twain
Dimensions: 7.00 x 5.00
UPC: 9780141321097
Ages: 8-12
Pages: 496